Sunday, November 21, 2010

Update #3 Nov 21 Sunday morning

Saturday day and night has been tough for Emer but he continues to improve and move in the right direction. Anyone who has had an open-chest procedure/sternotomy knows how painful the first few days can be. Part of initial recovery is getting the GI tract moving again, which can be difficult while on morphine and pain meds which work against the GI tract causing nausea. Emer has yet to eat, but has taken some juice and we have finally gotten ahead of his pain now it seems.  He required a few doses of lasix for excess fluid in the lungs and fluid retention in face/limbs (common after by pass). The lasix and better pain control has allowed for sitting up a few times, standing for the first time, and a walk to the hallway (HOORAY!!) Along with better pain control, and continued chest tube drainage he is taking deeper breaths and starting to re-expand the lungs.  Today, we are hoping he will maintain his sats (pulse ox/blood oxygenation) when we try to wean off of oxygen, that they may be able to remove the chest tubes (at which time he will be more comfy), and hope he will start eating. Pray for no infections, pray for no pain, few set backs, and extend your prayers not just for Emerson, but for all the kids in ICU and their families!  Thank you, everyone, for all the prayers and thoughts. Just about everyone can understand to some extent the concern and worry when watching a loved one sick and getting treatment. it is especially difficult when it is your child.  All of us have gained strength from the support and good wishes for Emerson!  Including the team at UofM who continue to do a wonderful job! Love to all, cannot wait to pass out hugs, and as always, ROCK ON!

1 comment:

  1. Go Emerson Go! What a strong brave kid Emerson is! How proud you must be! Mott is a fabulous hospital and he will be well taken care of. I have been praying for your son like crazy. Thanks for sharing this journey with us. XOXO, Shannon
